On August 6,2012 at 3:24 pm
James Wendell Phillips
was born. He was 8lbs.11&1/2oz.
I just wanted to write out our birth story
before I forgot...also just to remember since its already
been over two weeks! WOW time flies!! So here it goes...
James Wendell Phillips
It started on Saturday night(8.4.12)
I had contractions that were coming very quickly and now
were stronger than Braxton Hicks. We started trying to time
but they were all over the charts. We had taken "Bradly Birthing
Classes" that educated us to watch for certain signs
to see how far along in our labor we were so we didn't get to the hospital
to soon. We weren't sure exactly what to do since they were coming so close
we decided to call our Bradley Instructor for help.
Since all signs were pointing to a much shorter than average first labor she
advised us to go to the hospital at least to get checked out.
Anyways, we arrived at the hospital Sunday
morning around 4 or so. I was taken to a room in the delivery section were
I could be checked etc. to see if I was truly in active labor. The nurse checked
me and I was not dilated anymore that I was at my last OB visit. So we were
sent home to rest and to wait and see if it was going to go anywhere or if the
contractions would just stop. Well, we arrived back home around 9 or so
discouraged with the news we had received. I told Jesse that if these were just BH
contractions I didn't know how I was going to be able to deal with REAL labor contraction
(We were hoping for a med-free birth) The contractions continued to intensify throughout that
day and by time night came I was SURE I was in full blown labor..contractions were becoming
more and more intense. I spent a lot of time in our tub...which REALLY helped with contractions
since i was having bad back labor!
We even took a little walk at around 3am around the block hoping to move things along quicker!
After a long night, we decided to go into the hospital just to see what our progress was.
We reached the hospital at around 9:30...was checked and I was dilated to a 4,100% effaced, and baby was a stage 2. We were admitted and got into our hospital room around 10:30. I
started out on the birthing ball(Which I highly recommend to any woman med-free laboring!!)
for a bit then our nurse(Mary...the best nurse EVER!) suggest we try something different
to see if things would speed up. We decided to do some walking around the halls. Our second
lap through i feel water trickling down my leg. I said to Jesse that my water had either broken or
I just peed my pants! ^-~ We headed back to the nurses station to let them know and my nurse
decided to check me to see if I dilated anymore. I was at a 5 and there was meconium stain
so baby had to be monitored. Contractions became VERY intense at this point and the nurse had me get in the shower and Jess sprayed warm water on my lower back. That helped SO much! after about 40 min. she decided to check again and get a clearer sound on the baby's heart. I was dilated to an 8 and progressing quickly. Jesse and the Nurse rubbed extremely hard on my back to help ease contractions. 10 minutes later in was a 9&1/2...one little piece of cervix was in the way..and really feeling like pushing!! That was by far the most painful part of it all! after about a half hour it finally moved and I started to push. I used all different positions..I really wanted to squat but I was so tired I was just sitting in the bed with my hands on the squatting bar pushing. The nurse after a little over an hour moved me back to the classic position were she saw his head and told Jesse to come look. at that point I had lots of motivation to push even harder...She called my midwife to come and got out the warmer for the baby to go in and I was pushing like crazy. James started coming so fast she had to get a Dr. to come in to deliver. His head was about 1/4 the way out when my midwife came in. A couple more pushes and James was here!! I got to hold my little guy as they my midwife sewed me up from a little tear! So after 40 hours of labor James made his debute to earth!! ^-^ Praise the Lord that everything went smooth and quickly at the very end! ^-~
James Wendell
2 Weeks