Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Room Remodel

I found these adorable pillowcases at an antique mall
right next door to me!! I have always admired the
"Mr.&Mrs." pillowcases and these ones fit perfectly in
our room!! ^-^
I'm at the point now where every bedroom
in my house needs a bit of work....
The nursery, the guest bedroom, and last
but not least...our room.
The beautiful architecture of a home built in
1913 doesn't hurt...but...its hard to go from
having your one bedroom to a 10 room home.
I'm really into shabby chic but I don't stay true
to one decor theme...after all that's what makes a house
a home..right?!? ^-~
So I thought I would post some before pics.
Not a WHOLE lot is going to change...
for instance I love my wall color, chandelier, decorations,
furniture,etc so now its just to paint and let the hanging up of accessories
begin...I love accessories....hehe

I just recently bought a new "shabby chic by Rachel
Ashwell" duvet cover at Target( my favorite store!!)
I love love love it!! ^-^
The colors truly are beautiful!!
* you can see...its far from perfect
so hopefully from the help of magazines,
blogs, google, and pinterest ill have a beautiful blog
post coming soon!!!Not to mention...the nursery!! ^-^
                                                  - xoxoxo

Thursday, March 22, 2012

IT'S A.....

Yesterday, My Husband and I went to our 20 week
OB check up..Well in my case midwife checkup! ^-^
This midway point means we were far enough
along to tell what Baby was...Me, being a very
impatient person didn't even have to think twice on
weather or not I wanted to know...of course I did!!
I will say I was nervous and excited all at once.
Was everything going to be OK...and there's that in 
50 people percentage who cant tell what their baby is>.
Yes, I know none of those things matter...the Lords in
control and His will would be done, but these things still
are fun to know!! ^-^ We went in bright and early yesterday
morning...our midwife comes in and starts the sono. She asked 
us if we wanted to know the sex (of course we did). She checked
that first off and she says...well that was easy. I happen to be one
of those people who cant read a sono to save  my life so I'm like,
what?!? She said....
IT"S A BOY!!!!
Our Precious little Guy right here...^-^
I just want to give him a snuggle!!
This whole pregnancy..well from around 10 weeks
I have just had that maternal instinct telling me it
was a little guy and it actually turned out to be RIGHT!!
Now one of the things I have been looking forward to
the very most...Decorating the NURSERY!! ^-^
I had already gotten some gendar neutral necessities
as I found them for good deals...but now the walls can
be painted and the closet can be filled!! ^-^(I also am not
a neutral clothes type girl either...If its a boy it should look
like a boy and if its a girl it should look like a girl!! ^-^)
Here's a boutique chair I found someone selling on
line for a fraction of its original price. Since it is
off white I figured it could go boy or girl!
Then this chandelier I found at an antique shop.
I spray painted off white, now my dad,the electrician,
can come put it up!^-^

My aunt gave us this baby wardrobe.
 Its so adorable and all it needs is a fresh
coat of paint and new knobs.
(closet space in old houses are hard to
come by so this was a heaven sent!! ^-^)
There was a big Gymbo sale at the beginning
of the year(when I was about 2 months) and
I stocked up on cute Boy and Girl clothes...
here's my boy assortment..and thankfully
a ton of people at church are having babies so
the girl clothes can be for gifts?!? ^-^
This was on his little changing table
but now it can be changed to...

*James Wendell*
First baby boy outfit I every bought!! ^-^
Yes, I will still use this adorable pink diaper bag...
after all Mommy's a girl!! ^-~

Friday, March 16, 2012

How Does Time go by so Quickly?!?

Does time really go by this fast...can things change so much? Its been forever ago I took the time to post on a blog!! I will say it feels good to do so again. A lot has happened in the past year for me. I got married and now am expecting a little one in August all before turning 22!! Wow the Lord is so good to me! It has been a little overwhelming at times all these new things happening but also I would say, even more so, a blessing. Anyways I just wanted to write all this down as I said I am mostly using this blog for a journal. The reason I decided to call my blog "Once Upon a Time" is because I truly feel like the Lord has given me a fairy tale to live in. He he ^-^ I know that sounds silly but that's just how I feel. Yes, I kind of am a child at heart... I remember one of my church showers a friend who did the devotional mentioned something I wont forget. She said how the Lord has saved us from our sins and died on the cross so that us, the sinners, could trust on His name and be saved from everlasting punishment in Hell. She just mentioned that it was similar to the classic fairly tale plot were the Prince (being Christ) saved his love, the fair maiden(us sinners) from a sure death. But then He even goes further than that because a sacrifice was REQUIRED on His part...that being death so we can live with Him( I John 4:10;19 " In this is love, not that we have loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins...We love because He FIRST loved us.) Now I thought she could not of illustrated this point any better to me! I mention this too because it is also a big part of my blog name. Christ(my Prince) has saved me from my worst enemy of all,My sinful evil self who deserves nothing better than Hell!! Using His blood to do so. So my "Once Upon a Time..." STARTS with HIM!!  Alright this is all Ill write about today. I thought it would be a good place to start from! Have a blessed day in the Lord!! ^-^ xoxo