Wow it seems again like forever since
I've written a post...maybe because it has! ^-~
Oh well I cant seem to find the time to do
to much of anything besides trying to keep up
on housework, cooking, errands, ext. ^-^
Well we have been working quite a bit on
james' nursery as time allows us. Last week
my sister and I painted his room and I l way loved
the way the color turned out!! That is always a sigh
of relief for me...I'm usually worried and I will have to repaint it! ^-~
We currently have carpet all upstairs and I eventually wanted to
take it all up because there are the beautiful wide planked
floors under but for now I decided to stick with just little snuggles
room and it turned out that I'm really glad I did....
lovely green tile (fake sticky on kind) was all over the top
of those floors. Our house was a duplex at one time. It
is a fairly large house so they split the top and bottom floors
up and rented them out. So....James room, yes, was the kitchen
of the upstairs duplex. Thankfully it actually peeled right up leaving
us with only very little repair work. I actually was able to do it myself.
I feel bad that I keep thinking up these little projects and my
poor husband usually cringes knowing that they probably will
turn into his too! ^-^ But all he has to do here is remove a small amount of
glue and sand! (Being pregnant can be hard for me sometimes! ^-^)
Here's a little better look at the chandelier and
wall color.
Here's my newest fun find! ^-^
An OLD piano!!! I just love these
they are the prettiest pieces of furniture I think!
I found this actually on a Face book garage sale
and am so excited. It took quite a few guys to
get this in but I just love it! ^-^
Here is a little room in our house right
off the living room! We cant decide what it is but I
have kind of made it our little Library Room.
This room is the only room I haven't painted yet
since moving in...I'm think I've finally decided on a
medium shaded gray.( I would like it to be a little
dark because I think of that when I think of a library!)
I think it should compliment those blue chairs from my great-grandma.
We have been so blessed almost every single piece of furniture in
our home has been given to us!
Today is actually my husbands 26th birthday! A ton has gone
Today is actually my husbands 26th birthday! A ton has gone
on today. Jess is gone at men's study and I am sitting out on my porch enjoying this lovely
weather and getting a chance to finally write again on my blog! I feel like I've been in the
kitchen all day long! ^-^ hehe I got up and made some special birthday breakfast thanks to
a recipe I found on Pinterest and cookies and a special supper of meatballs per Jesse's request.
So anyways it feels good to sit! hehe Lately I have just been so excited with James coming
were almost 25 weeks and I feel his little kicks all the time and it makes me hardly be able to wait
to see His little face!^-^ I just love spring in general too..I hear the birds singing and pretty
flowers blooming going on walks and everything just seems so pretty!! ^-^
My husband and I started our garden and little plants are springing up...this time of year always
reminds me of that Hymn..."This is my Fathers World!" ^-^ I just thank the Lord for the beauty He's created all around us!! Well I think I've written enough for tonight! ^-^
xoxo Kelsey