Thursday, June 28, 2012

Entry Way and Babymoon

Well it's been awhile AGAIN...but I do have some good excuses
this time. Lost camera, mutitudes of household projects,Vacation,
and being 34 weeks pregnant tomarrow I feel like the only social life I
have is going to the Dr.:/ We found out I have a borderline case of
Gestational Diabetes a coule of weeks ago and that has been quite a stress
and just very discouraging all around...BUT the Lord is faithful. Sometime
it even takes these trials to draw us nearer to Him so I can count them as blessing!
Anyways, enough of all the discouraging things because I have had so many
encouraging things happen lately, besides to me being married to the best man
in the whole wide world who helps me get all of my projects done...James' nursery
is coming along spendidly. I havent had the chance to take any pics and its actually
quite the mess now. My mom and sister are helping me make his bedding,ect.
I posted some pictures of our enrty way I am redoing. Sorry for the  poor quality.
I finally broke down and bought a new camera so this should be the last post with
icky pics! ^-~I made the bench seat cover out of the same fabric I am using for James'
crib quit. I just love the color it was so unique. Its like a light blue with a brown sheen to
it. I picked it up at one of my very favorite stores...Hobby Lobby.. It was actualy
very inexpensive which was just what I was looking for!! ^-~ hehe I still want to paint
the actual bench and trim above white, but we'll see when that gets done. Also, to
add some burlap pillows to the bench!

My in-laws gave  us a gift Certficate to a B&B in wisconson near Madison
for a babymoon! We traveled up two weeks ago and it was just SO much fun!!
The B&B was called "Cameo Rose Inn" and it was so beautiful their. It was out in
the contry so there was so many lovely places to walk to and it was like 15 min
from Madison so we got some good shopping in there too! I forgot to take pic's of
the actual B&B:/( pregnancy brain!) but...I did take pics of my very favorite place
we visited. This old schoolhouse turned boutique shop/resturant. I would totally eat here again!! ^-^
