Tuesday, October 16, 2012


OK so I LOVE the idea of a chandelier in every room.
Unfortunately, that is just not practical all times of the
hot Midwest year! I first heard of a fandelier though my sister.
I kinda thought it was a little corny at first but the more I saw
of hers the more and more I liked it! Anyways, I had went onto Pinterest
to get some ideas to make my own! They of course had fab ideas so here's
my new fandelier...I also thought I would make it into a little tutorial for
any else who would be interested!
Pictured above is my black ceiling fan...I had already removed
the glass globes from the lights...
Sorry about the blurry pic:/ but here is the supplies.
Pearls, glass crystals, wire, cutters, and a hanging plant basket.
You just string everything together and hang the planter up
over the lights on the fan!
We painted the ceiling  fan white..
Here it is all lighted up! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

James 2 months...Nursery and Anniversary

 My baby boy is already TWO MONTHS OLD, that is CRAZY!!
It seems just like yesterday my little snuggle was born.
He is truly such a joy in Jesse and my life!
Our little blessing. He is a very good baby. He smiles
all the time and has a very pleasant personality like his daddy.
Not to mention he looks just like daddy too!! Yesterday
Jess was holding him and I just had to laugh..they were both
smiling and I thought I was seeing double! ^-~ Here's some of his
two month pics I took...hopefully more to come! ^-^
OK, so I thought I would post on how his
nursery has turned out,well so far anyways.
I just realized reading back that I never really posted a
how it turned out! ^-^
Changing station..
This sweet little outfit his Aunt Shell
knitted for his!! 
I got this cool pallet idea off Pinterest...I love that site!! ^-^
(Maybe a little to much!)
I needed something large for this wall and
something to display all his vintage toys
so this works well...an added plus..my husbands
a landscaper and having that said, they have millions
of these pallets laying around! I kinda want one
downstairs somewhere too! ^-^
This sweet sailor outfit was Jesse's when he was a
little! ^-^ Can't wait till it fits James!!
Today is also a very special day!!
Its Jesse and my First Anniversary!!
I just love him so much and am so
thankful God saw fit for him to be
in my life!!He is truly my biggest
blessing of all!^-^ 10.8.11
Kelsey xoxo