Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas in our upstairs's some pics of our upstairs all decked out for Christmas! 
Hall/Jesses office space:
Note: sorry I am so not a good photographer...these pics are all dark and I don't know how to help them!;)
This bookcase has neede a coat of paint for FOREVER! Hopefully this winter I can catch up on painting upstairs!
Deer silhouette I drew and spray painted with glitter spray paint!
James' room:
I have changed some things up a bit in this room lately!
It's a winter wonderland in here thanks to his aunt Michelle's paper snowflakes!!
This is one of my very favorite finds..this vanity was in someone's GARBAGE pile! I just love it in this space. It replaced James changing table since he has outgrown it. It has little star trim carved in the wood. The lines just looked more masculine to me so i thought it would go perfect in his room!
All his vintage Christmas goodies!:)
Hehe. ^-^ here he is stuck in his bouncy horse.( bouncy horse I got him at a garage sale for $1)
More vintage toys
Jesse and I's room:
I would eventually like to do a picture collage over this secretary!
Last but not least 
My dressing room:
So, I know I already put some pics up of this but thought I'd add a couple more durning the day!:)
Cute little sign I got of etsy...
Hope everyone is having a magical Christmas so far! We sure are around here. Jess and I are going to the nutcracker ballet tonight and I can't wait!:) My sister Michelle took some fam pics for us so hopefully next post I share some of those! Merry almost Christmas!!:D

Friday, December 6, 2013

A little Christmas tour downstairs

I thought I'd put up a couple pics of our downstairs for Christmas! Not everything is 100% done but I figured I'd better put some up before I blink and Christmas is over! Sigh!:)
Entry way:
   I am going to put white candles on the mantel.
Living room:
Sorry for such poor quality pics here...our lighting has been awful!:)
James' playroom:
Dining room:
I want to add little white flowers to the greenery!:)
Hopefully be back soon with upstairs and the porch!!:) Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Dressing room Christmas decor and trimming the tree

It's totally starting to look like Christmas around here. I actually started decorating mid November, aside to the tree, but got slowed down after the tornado chaos. But... I have most of it done now except the tree trimming from outside. I thought I'd share just my dressing room today as that's the only pics I've taken so far!;) Jess and I both got the iPhone 5c on Black Friday. YAY! We got a buy one get one free with any upgrade. So we're pretty excited about that!!;)anyhooo I took these all in the evening since everything at Christmas time is better at night,IMO!:)
Twinkle lights on the closet!:)
You can see my very favorite pink Barbie tree in the corner!
Up close of my "nutcracker" ornament display
Then on to downstairs tree put up time!:)
James is so excited he can hardly contain himself!! 
There she is all put up and twinkling!!:)
And here's a little sneak peek of the porch chalkboard!:) hope everyone had a blessed thanksgiving! I know we did!:)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy pumpkin day!!

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a great pumpkin day! We sure did over here!:) Jess was off from work and we packed the day full of fun!
Here is little James all dressed up as a turtle. He really looked like one crawling around all adorable!
I made him a little "Halloween" basket. He had some of the things all fall but I added a few extras and decided to make a basket out of it.
We made jack-o-lantern pumpkin pancakes. Mmm were they yummy!!:) at least James thought so!
James and I had a coordinated costume thing going. I was the storybook character eloise and he was her turtle, skipperdee
We took him trick or treating to a couple houses them came back to pass out candy.
After my sister was done taking her kids out we had a little party at our house!

                  Candy bar
Yummys my sister and my niece made!:)
James trying to shove a bunch of candy in his mouth! What a great way to end the night! Now on to THANKSGIVING!!YAY!!:)