Our sweet baby girl is here!! Annelise Christine Phillips made her apperace to earth October 18, 2014, at 7:46pm.
Annelise and daddy in the delivery room
Meeting big brother
Birth story:
I had been having contractions for a couple weeks up to her birth. Jess went to work in the morning on Saturday(18th) and got home around 12-1. We laid little James down for a nap and I hopped in the tub for a bit. I was not having strong contractions but still a few. I got out and sat in a chair scrolling Facebook waiting for Jess to come upstairs. I had a sharp contraction that felt also like it had broke my water ( kind of would remind you of a pin in a balloon.) at this point Jess had come up and I was going to take a nap. I stood up expecting water to come but nothing. I told Jess I was sure my water would have broke by that contraction and kind of didn't think much more about it. As I went to lay in bed my water broke. This was about 2 pm. I called mom so she could come to watch James and I also started having fairly strong contractions. We made it to the hospital by around 3:30. I was dilated to a 3/4 from a 2 at my last check up. I got up and walked and did some things to try to flip her around as she had been posterior. I also got in the shower and kneeled down awhile. I think this must have been when she flipped and transition started. Contractions became extremely intense(more so than I remember with James) and I begged for an epidural. This was at about 6-6:30 id say and I was dialated to either 6 or 7. My nurse said it would be awhile before I could have one and I wondered how I could possibly do this for another 3 hours or so. I think my nurse knew I was almost there because at this point she called Dr Boyd to come. She gave me a med in my IV to take the edge off. It did i'd say but Jesse still loves saying the crazy things I said after getting the med!;) I dialated fully by 7:15-7:20 and pushed for 20-30 min and out came baby Annelise! She was 8lbs 7.3oz and 21 in. long. Never got that epidural!;) haha. Praise The Lord for this birth experience. We had a wonderful Dr and he helped things stay calm. Jess was sure a champ too!!;) Love that guy soo much!! We are so thankful to The Lord for everything just going wonderful!