Jess and I got some rather unexpected news about 7 or so weeks ago. We found out that we are expecting our THIRD baby this coming September, the 28th to be exact. It definitely through me off my game for awhile. I think I didn't actually beleive it until we went to the dr last week for an ultrasound. There it was, an itty bitty bean baby with a beating heart and everything. My heart mealted and I think I can say now that I am getting excited!!
Having babies 11&1/2 months apart will probably have it's challenges but more than that I think it wil be a bigger blessing than I even can realize. I'm just excited that when the time comes for homeschooling, I can just through Elise and this one in the same grade. Two birds with one stone,right!:D thankfully my morning sickness is starting to let up some so I can feel "Alive" again.:) I so can't wait for spring so we can get out of the house!:)
In other big news this sweet girl is almost 5 MONTHS OLD! Wow time flies! She just melts my heart.
.Annelise started eating a little bit of fruit this past month and LOVES it. She seems like she'll be an eater! I tried rice at first and it backed her up really bad. (I vaguly remember that with James too!:( ) so no more of that icky stuff for awhile.
.she has started rolling from tummy to back. Once from back to tummy. Makes me wonder if I'll have an early crawler?
.she has discovered her hands and feet and likes to watch them!:)
She is just the sweetest and we love her to pieces!
Even though she does LOVE to cry!!;)