Sunday, October 25, 2015

Annelise's monthly "chair" Pic

  Before Annelise was born I saw the idea to do a monthly pic in the same spot of your baby from 1-12 months. I loved seeing how neat it was to watch them grow little bits month by month. I decided to do that with Elise since I had missed out with james. It was a bittersweet day today as I took her final "chair" pic as we stared to call them. This little chair sits in her nursery so it was the perfect spot!:) SOOO happy I did this and I think I will definently continue the tradition with Joel! Also, perfect to put in there baby book!:) so here it is the monthly count down, or up, of my sweet Annelise!
One month
Two months
Three months
Four months 
Five months
Six months
We missed seven months:(

Eight months
Nine months
Ten months
Eleven months 
Twelve months 
God is so good!! Love you baby girl!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Happy 1st birthday sweet Annelise!!

 My sweet little Annelisey girl is O-N-E!! Time slow down!! It is so surreal to me that she is already a year old. In fact, both Jess, james and I have been guilty of referring to Joel as a her because it doesn't seem possible that time can pass so quickly. Granted most people do not have two new babies in the same year!;) 
  This little girl has QUITE the personality. She is always on the go. She is not really found of being held and cuddled but that's ok she's still a little sweetie. She smiles all the time. She is also a very determined little girl! She is quick to get into anything she is not suppost to and the "distraction method" does not work, she is always right back at it! She has just very recently started to walk, still very unsteadily, but at least 1/2 and 1/2 with crawling. She also loves to give her new baby bro kisses and that has to be the sweetest thing ever. She also loves to scream at the top of her lungs and throw fits ( just like her momma so I've been told!;) she loves her big bro and works so hard to keep up with him. She loves to go on walk and LOVES bath time!  This little girl also loves to eat! Especially big Bros food when he's not looking!;) We just love this little girl to pieces. She brings SO much joy to our lives. I am so thankful that God gave us this sweet little girl! I look so forward to watching her grow. I think the thing I love the most is how much she loves her daddy and brothers. There's just nothing quite like it! Happy happy birthday my sweet Annelise!! We just love you so much little cupiecake!! 
I'm one!!
Annelise's pink and gold princess party
So I forgot to get a pic of the buffet all set up but this is close.
Her birthdays in October so of course we had to add some pink and gold glitter pumpkins!
Princess Annelise
Opening all her gifts!
These are some of my very favorite pics of her from her 1st year!
1 month
2 months
  Sweet girl we are so blessed to have you in our lives. This past year with you has been wonderful! I can't wait for our next!:) love you baby girl!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Joel Keith Phillips

    He's finally here! Joel Keith Phillips was born Thursday, October 1, 2015. 8lbs 7.5oz and 21 in long. 
   Wow, this little guy had us on our toes the whole week before his birth. It started the Thursday before at my prenatal check up. I was 39 weeks and not showing any signs that labor was in the near future. So after mentioning to my midwife that I was suppost to be in my cousins wedding that coming weekend that I would try to be induced. I met jess at the hospital, got all checked in and was started on pitocin. We waited and talked, I had contractions but never progressed to anything major. So the next day they sent us home not wanting to do anything to progressive because of the wedding. 
  So it came time for the wedding weekend. I was really getting nervous for that Saturday. I had completely lost my mucas plug and was having some painful contractions. It came and went and was a wonderful day AND no baby yet! I hit the 40 week mark that monday and was getting really anxious! I had never been overdue with my other two babies. He was also measuring small according to my last sono so it seemed like a long waiting game! I had my another ob check that tues and I was a lot closer to labor. We decided to scheduale and induction for early Thursday morning if I was still not in labor. No labor yet, so jess and I headed to the hospital at about 11:30 weds night!:) we got admitted and started on pitocin by about 1 am thurs. I had contractions all night but was able to get a good amount of sleep through them. At 8 am my midwife came in to break my water. That's when things got real!;) contractions became a lot stronger. I got up and got in the shower for awhile and was feeling a lot of pressure. The nurse decided to check me. I had dialated from a 3 to a 5. Contractions became extremely intense and I felt really puckey. I sat on a birthing ball for about 20 min and then told the nurse I was feeling the urge to push. She checked me and I was an 8. I told her I needed to push anyways. The next contraction my body pushed on its own and I felt his head coming. I told the nurse and they called and on call dr to come in. Next contraction he was out!:) Joel was born at 10:55 Thursday morning. Active labor was only a little under 3 hours! The Lord was so good in his whole birth plan! I am so thankful for how He lead us in everything!:) this little guy may not have been planned by jess and I but he sure was by the Lord! We are so thankful for our newest little bundle of joy! 