Tuesday, August 30, 2016

James turns 4

So i figured I had better post this before his next birthday!;) it has been sitting in my draft box for awhile now.--
Our sweet James turned 4 on August 6!! Wow I can't believe he is so old already. I figured I had better write a post before I forgot some things! ;) #mombrain
  We had SUCH a fun day. We started by waking him up and taking him out to his new trampoline with doughnuts and milk! We bounced for a little bit then packed up to go fishing at a little private lake close to my in-laws house. James had been begging for us to take him for the longest time and we finally made it. I'd say he enjoyed running around with his sibling a little more than the fishing part. Sadly, we didn't catch any fish but we are hoping to take him again soon. We came home and ate a quick lunch and laid the babies down for their naps. James helped Jess and I get ready for his party. 
  Around 4 we had a party outside at our house. Jess grilled some burgers and hotdogs and we had other yummy treats!:) we ended the day jumping on his new trampoline and watching a Thomas the train! Such a fun day and I think he enjoyed it!!:)

  We also went to our local apple orchard the day before his birthday for a little party day. 
Happy 4th birthday sweet James! We love you!!