Friday, April 8, 2016

A day in the Life

   It seems like these past couple months we have been sick, ALL THE TIME. Thankfully we are on the upswing now. Joel just turned 6 months old last week and time is just flying! I finally feel like we've got into a really good schedule. It seems like it takes me about that long to get it down. I always kind of dread having a new baby because I know it's out with the old in with the new as far as time goes. That probably mixed with a little post pardon depression I can get super depressed. My days can feel just so long and lonely when I'm home all day long with just my littles. Like I said though we are on the upswing and life is a good way.;)
   Our day starts out something like this:
6:30: momma wakes up and does some Bible reading. (If I don't do this my day seems off!!!) 
6:50-7: I head downstairs, of course make my first cup of coffee for the day, then do a crazy lady clean up of what didn't get done the night before. Start a load of laundry
7:45 kids up. I nurse Joel while James plans with Annelise in her room. We make our beds, pick up our rooms, and head down for breakfast. I (usually) squeeze in a really small workout here and the kids love it and think I'm on the floor to play with them.
8:30: after breakfast and some play time we head back up and get ready for the day. Dressed, teeth brushed, hair combed. 
9:30 Joel's morning nap. The kids play downstairs or watch a movie while I switch loads (endless laundry around here) fold laundry, clean up breakfast, do other random chores and get lunch packed. 
11:30: Joel up. He eats and gets dressed. most days we take off to see daddy at work for lunch, Depending where he is. If not we'll do some sort of play date with friends. 
12:30-1: home for naps. Sometimes James will stay on the job with daddy, if not he generally naps too. I switch laundry (again) clean up after the crazies and start some supper prep, usually the beloved crock pot. I usually clean one room once a day.
2-3: mommas break
4-5: kids start waking up, usually at all different time in this hour.
5:30-6: daddy home. We usually catch up on our day or go for a walk. 
6-6;30: supper time. Jess and I tag team clean up after
7: Jess plays with the kiddos. While I put away laundry and picks up some more. I try to give one kid a bath/ day. 
7:45: kids bed time. Pjs on, teeth brushed, story time. Jess and I also tag team this!
8: lights out for the kiddos. 
8-10: Jess and I have some alone time. Usually watch a show and catch up more on are day. That's pretty much it. 
   I love reading people's schedules on the blogs I follow so I thought I would write mine down too. :) fun times to remember!:) 



  1. Beautiful family, busy busy mom! And dad! Glad things are smoothing out for you. Hard to get a schedule the first 6 months because at this age they are all changing on you. Pray for survival! :D Miss you.

  2. It's a blessing to see you not only surviving, but thriving as a godly wife and mother. God's blessing to you, dear daughter, as you serve Him as you take care of your family.

  3. Wow, Kelsey, you're my hero! I can't seem to adopt a schedule to save my life. Too many variables. You seem to get out and about and I stay home for weeks on end aside from church. I feel lonely sometimes but other times I'm fine staying home. I admire that you have so many great family members so close to you. Love, Ang
