Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Have yourself a Merry little Christmas..

Hello, so I never got around to putting up
the fall pics I took, sigh, I often wonder
what life would ever be like with two
babies. I can't seem to get a thing done with ONE!
Oh well, hopefully after awhile of entering into motherhood
things start coming a little more easy! ^-~
I did get a chance to take some Christmas pics
so I thought I'd go ahead and post them! ^-^
Now for a couple extras...
Here's a bookcase I painted white that I
LOVE now...I had left it dark wood for
awhile trying to create a certain look but I
kick myself now for waiting! ^-^
Also, Here's a little children's chair I
got for free of of an online garage sale site
I plan to recover. Hope you all have a blessed Christmas!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Are you ever to old for toys??

Are you ever truly to old for toys?
Probably yes, but, I am still in love with
this old American Girl(Pleasant Comp.)
Angelina Ballerina toys. They are
just to adorable!!! I  even
asked for more of it for Christmas! ^-~
 They now sit in my craft room..
hopefully awaiting another little girl to play with them soon!
Now here's an adorable little boy.
He's already 3 whole months old!!
Time sure flies when your having fun!! ^-^
I am hoping to get back on tomorrow to blog
(since dear hubby will
be working) and put a post on of some autumn decor..
considering its almost time to Haul out the Holly...aka
Christmas decor! ^-^ Have a blessed day in the Lord!
                                             XO Kelsey

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


OK so I LOVE the idea of a chandelier in every room.
Unfortunately, that is just not practical all times of the
hot Midwest year! I first heard of a fandelier though my sister.
I kinda thought it was a little corny at first but the more I saw
of hers the more and more I liked it! Anyways, I had went onto Pinterest
to get some ideas to make my own! They of course had fab ideas so here's
my new fandelier...I also thought I would make it into a little tutorial for
any else who would be interested!
Pictured above is my black ceiling fan...I had already removed
the glass globes from the lights...
Sorry about the blurry pic:/ but here is the supplies.
Pearls, glass crystals, wire, cutters, and a hanging plant basket.
You just string everything together and hang the planter up
over the lights on the fan!
We painted the ceiling  fan white..
Here it is all lighted up! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

James 2 months...Nursery and Anniversary

 My baby boy is already TWO MONTHS OLD, that is CRAZY!!
It seems just like yesterday my little snuggle was born.
He is truly such a joy in Jesse and my life!
Our little blessing. He is a very good baby. He smiles
all the time and has a very pleasant personality like his daddy.
Not to mention he looks just like daddy too!! Yesterday
Jess was holding him and I just had to laugh..they were both
smiling and I thought I was seeing double! ^-~ Here's some of his
two month pics I took...hopefully more to come! ^-^
OK, so I thought I would post on how his
nursery has turned out,well so far anyways.
I just realized reading back that I never really posted a
how it turned out! ^-^
Changing station..
This sweet little outfit his Aunt Shell
knitted for his!! 
I got this cool pallet idea off Pinterest...I love that site!! ^-^
(Maybe a little to much!)
I needed something large for this wall and
something to display all his vintage toys
so this works added husbands
a landscaper and having that said, they have millions
of these pallets laying around! I kinda want one
downstairs somewhere too! ^-^
This sweet sailor outfit was Jesse's when he was a
little! ^-^ Can't wait till it fits James!!
Today is also a very special day!!
Its Jesse and my First Anniversary!!
I just love him so much and am so
thankful God saw fit for him to be
in my life!!He is truly my biggest
blessing of all!^-^ 10.8.11
Kelsey xoxo

Thursday, August 23, 2012

James Wendell Phillips

On August 6,2012 at 3:24 pm
James Wendell Phillips
was born. He was 8lbs.11&1/2oz.
I just wanted to write out our birth story
before I forgot...also just to remember since its already
been over two weeks! WOW time flies!! So here it goes...
James Wendell Phillips
It started on Saturday night(8.4.12)
I had contractions that were coming very quickly and now
were stronger than Braxton Hicks. We started trying to time
but they were all over the charts. We had taken "Bradly Birthing
Classes" that educated us to watch for certain signs
to see how far along in our labor we were so we didn't get to the hospital
to soon. We weren't sure exactly what to do since they were coming so close
we decided to call our Bradley Instructor for help.
 Since all signs were pointing to a much shorter than average first labor she
advised us to go to the hospital at least to get checked out.
 Anyways, we arrived at the hospital Sunday
morning around 4 or so. I was taken to a room in the delivery section were
I could be checked etc. to see if I was truly in active labor. The nurse checked
me and I was not dilated anymore that I was at my last OB visit. So we were
sent home to rest and to wait and see if it was going to go anywhere or if the
contractions would just stop. Well, we arrived back home around 9 or so
discouraged with the news we had received. I told Jesse that if these were just BH
contractions I didn't know how I was going to be able to deal with REAL labor contraction
(We were hoping for a med-free birth) The contractions continued to intensify throughout that
day and by time night came I was SURE I was in full blown labor..contractions were becoming
more and more intense. I spent a lot of time in our tub...which REALLY helped with contractions
since i was having bad back labor!
We even took a little walk at around 3am around the block hoping to move things along quicker!
After a long night, we decided to go into the hospital just to see what our progress was.
We reached the hospital at around 9:30...was checked and I was dilated to a 4,100% effaced, and baby was a stage 2. We were admitted and got into our hospital room around 10:30. I
started out on the birthing ball(Which I highly recommend to any woman med-free laboring!!)
for a bit then our nurse(Mary...the best nurse EVER!) suggest we try something different
to see if things would speed up. We decided to do some walking around the halls. Our second
lap through i feel water trickling down my leg. I said to Jesse that my water had either broken or
I just peed my pants! ^-~ We headed back to the nurses station to let them know and my nurse
decided to check me to see if I dilated anymore. I was at a 5 and there was meconium stain
so baby had to be monitored. Contractions became VERY intense at this point and the nurse had me get in the shower and Jess sprayed warm water on my lower back. That helped SO much! after about 40 min. she decided to check again and get a clearer sound on the baby's heart. I was dilated to an 8 and progressing quickly. Jesse and the Nurse rubbed extremely hard on my back to help ease contractions. 10 minutes later in was a 9&1/ little piece of cervix was in the way..and really feeling like pushing!! That was by far the most painful part of it all! after about a half hour it finally moved and I started to push. I used all different positions..I really wanted to squat but I was so tired I was just sitting in the bed with my hands on the squatting bar pushing. The nurse after a little over an hour moved me back to the classic position were she saw his head and told Jesse to come look. at that point I had lots of motivation to push even harder...She called my midwife to come and got out the warmer for the baby to go in and I was pushing like crazy. James started coming so fast she had to get a Dr. to come in to deliver. His head was about 1/4 the way out when my midwife came in. A couple more pushes and James was here!! I got to hold my little guy as they my midwife sewed me up from a little tear!  So after 40 hours of labor James made his debute to earth!! ^-^ Praise the Lord that everything went smooth and quickly at the very end! ^-~

 James Wendell
2 Weeks



Thursday, June 28, 2012

Entry Way and Babymoon

Well it's been awhile AGAIN...but I do have some good excuses
this time. Lost camera, mutitudes of household projects,Vacation,
and being 34 weeks pregnant tomarrow I feel like the only social life I
have is going to the Dr.:/ We found out I have a borderline case of
Gestational Diabetes a coule of weeks ago and that has been quite a stress
and just very discouraging all around...BUT the Lord is faithful. Sometime
it even takes these trials to draw us nearer to Him so I can count them as blessing!
Anyways, enough of all the discouraging things because I have had so many
encouraging things happen lately, besides to me being married to the best man
in the whole wide world who helps me get all of my projects done...James' nursery
is coming along spendidly. I havent had the chance to take any pics and its actually
quite the mess now. My mom and sister are helping me make his bedding,ect.
I posted some pictures of our enrty way I am redoing. Sorry for the  poor quality.
I finally broke down and bought a new camera so this should be the last post with
icky pics! ^-~I made the bench seat cover out of the same fabric I am using for James'
crib quit. I just love the color it was so unique. Its like a light blue with a brown sheen to
it. I picked it up at one of my very favorite stores...Hobby Lobby.. It was actualy
very inexpensive which was just what I was looking for!! ^-~ hehe I still want to paint
the actual bench and trim above white, but we'll see when that gets done. Also, to
add some burlap pillows to the bench!

My in-laws gave  us a gift Certficate to a B&B in wisconson near Madison
for a babymoon! We traveled up two weeks ago and it was just SO much fun!!
The B&B was called "Cameo Rose Inn" and it was so beautiful their. It was out in
the contry so there was so many lovely places to walk to and it was like 15 min
from Madison so we got some good shopping in there too! I forgot to take pic's of
the actual B&B:/( pregnancy brain!) but...I did take pics of my very favorite place
we visited. This old schoolhouse turned boutique shop/resturant. I would totally eat here again!! ^-^


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Who dosen't love a Garage sale/Room Remodels Update

I absolutaly love a great deal! ^-^ There is just something
about paying a fraction of the price for something! Therefore,
I love to garage sale! To me its funner to do that than going to
consignment shops, ect. just because things are even that much
cheaper. I am on some local FB garage sales and came across
a $400.00 Baby Dreamer Pram Stroller for  40 bucks!! To say
the least I was thrilled!!! It has some minor things to be done and
ohhh ya its PINK(yes,we are still having a boy!^-~) Thankful,
my sister is an excellent seamstress and is going to help me make a
"man-ly" cover for it! But of course just to cover the pink because
Lord-willing we will have a little girl sometime and she needs the pink!! ^-~

Here it converts to the bigger kid stroller! ^-^
I think my bedroom is finally redone(well for the
most part anyways..) I spent $0 on this seeing how we
are pretty tight right now...I just went shopping in the basement..
oh ya  and a little bit of paint goes a LOOONNGG way! ^-^
I painted the dresser(above) had been two shades of wood.
Here is our bed from both angles! I just hung a canopy I got at
a garage husband hates it and I LOVE it! I feel like a princess
or something!! ^-^ hehe There are little stars on it I eventually need to take off.
I think once I save some $$ I will line the inside with a pretty pale blue?!?
A friend is lending us a bassinet( I couldnt justify spending
any money on one because we hope to move him
onto his room asap!) 
I love looking at it in our room!
Inside the bassinet I put a vintage 1950's puppy
and his sono pics!! ^-^
Now for my very favorite room..
James Nursery...
Its coming along...we finally set the crib up
and now I can start making curtains, bedding, ect.
This chair and ottoman are off Craigs List...

The baby wardrobe is from my Aunt Becky^-^
This Cath Kidston book bag I unfortunantly spend full
price on...I just couldnt resist.. I can see him carring his
little toys around in!! ^-^
