Full Term:
Yep, we've officially hit that!! 37,38, and counting...:) I say that as I sit here at 4 in the morning because I can't sleep, due to this or that! I'm really trying to enjoy the end here...the calm before the storm. The big pregnant belly, those little baby kicks in my tummy, just James and mommy time, slee..ya no..that's not happening. At this point though, since I have to be up at night anyhoo, I'd sure rather be cuddling my newborn baby girl!!
37 weeks
38 weeks
Jess and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary this past week! WOW! For some reason it feels like it has been longer! A lot has changed though in these short years..got engaged, bought a house, got married, got pregnant with a baby boy, gave birth, snuggled a newborn, he hit milestones like rolling, then crawling, then walking, James had a first birthday and a second, found out The Lord was blessing us with another baby. Saw and felt another baby growing in my tummy. How can I complain! Life is so fast. These years will be over before you know it. I just pray I can be thankful for the sleepless nights..it gives me more time with these littles that are growing up SO QUICKLY!!
On that note have I mentioned I sure can't wait to hold this baby girl!! Xo:)
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